Thursday, 26 February 2015

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Check out what some kids around NZ were talking about on the Kidsedchatnz

This is a movie of just a fraction of the messages that were posted.  Read the question then think about what the kids have said.  Would you like to be part of a discussion with other kids around NZ?

Next week's topic is Digital Citizenship.
Here are the questions that will be asked during the chat.


Q1. What do you think it means to be a good digital citizen?

Q2. How can you be safe on the internet? What should you do if you see something uncomfortable online?

Q3. Why is meeting someone online different to meeting someone in real life?

Q4. What is Cyber bullying? Why is it wrong?

Q5. What is a digital footprint and why are they important?

Q6. What are some important things to consider when taking part in Kidsedchatnz?

Q7. How can you keep your computer safe? What is a computer virus?

Q8. Who teaches you about staying safe online? What are the best ways for learning about online safety?

Q9. Should school’s be using social media in the classroom and why?

Q10. Write a sentence, poem or short story using the following 3 words: Danger, Alert, Sensible

Monday, 23 February 2015

What would you like this little man to be called?

My World

Some great senses writing today.

We based it on a model of a My World Poem

My World
I like the smell of hot tarmac when the sun is blazing,
Candyfloss twisting on a stick,
School dinners when I haven't had breakfast!

I like the taste of a sweet mango that has been kept cool in the fridge,
Hot sundae sauce on ice cream,
Sherbet lemons fizzing in my mouth.


Can you comment and explain what the yellow and pink are showing?

Working with Words

We were looking for the tricky parts of words today to help us learn the patterns in words.

We've been having a great time at our Cricket Skills sessions with Tom on Thursdays.  He's challenging our throwing, catching and batting skills.  Check out these photos.

Kia ora Tatou

Hello Friends!

At our assembly on Monday Mr Gendall helped us understand the difference between

Kia ora Koutou  and Kia ora Tatou

Can you explain it to someone?

Saturday, 21 February 2015

What should I read next?

Do you have favourite books?

Favourite authors?

well...... you're going to love this site.

Thursday, 12 February 2015


Awesome job !! These Mathletes met their goals this week on mathletics.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

A great assembly.

It was hot today but some great awards.

Well done to these fantastic librarians.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Hutt City Library

We are off to the library on Wednesday! Yipee.

Ask your parents if they are able to walk with us.  We leave after morning play and are back by lunchtime.


We have been working hard in preparation for our social skills assembly

We have been:

collecting ideas

thinking about our audience

designing posters

rehearsing little skits

......... and it will all be revealed on Monday at our Social Skills Assembly

Our topic is:
It's our responsibility to keep our environment rubbish free

Monday, 9 February 2015

Planning our social skills assembly

On Monday it is our turn to share at the social skills assembly. We are focusing on keeping our environment rubbish free.

We started by organising and combining our ideas using the solo hexagons.

What do you think is really important ?

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Starting our mosaic portraits.

What is a mosaic?  Can you explain to someone?

We are being very careful with our choice of colour, size and tone.

Can't wait to see the finished results.

This is just stage #1 of our Mosaic art work.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Learning with the iPads

Today we had an ipad session.  We learnt a lot about how to work an ipad so that it is a great tool for our learning.  We looked at a few maths apps.
Find sums
Multi Touch Maths
Jelly Bean count.

These apps are all free and can be downloaded from the app store. There are android equivalents for them, just google the name and ask for an android alternative if you are not using an apple ipad.

We enjoyed working with others, the maths learning and just using a cool ipad.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Damp but great start to the year in Room 2

It was wonderful to see such eager and smiling faces as we started 2015 together.

After a quick get to know each other, we headed to assembly.  Mr Gendall entertained us all with his "Responsibility" story.

We have been starting to organise our lovely new stationery and finding out a little more about each other.

Remember there was a road patrol notice for yr 6 that were trained last year.  There was also a Waterpolo notice that some took if they were interested .  Both are due back at school tomorrow ( yes tomorrow, short time frame I know) .  A touch rugby notice will be out on Wednesday.

Watch this space to see what happens tomorrow!